Count down til Thanksgiving!! It is amazing how much easier it is to get out of bed and head off to work when you only have three days to get through. Even though it's raining outside, and there isn't even a chance of snow (anymore), this Monday morning was much easier to face.
For the record, I LOVE Thanksgiving- not only are mashed potatoes my favorite food of all time, but I also love getting together with family and slowing life down for a couple of days. We are spending our Thanksgiving at Josh's parents, where we will be joined by my parents and siblings. We are just so, so lucky that our families get along and enjoy each other's company, and very blessed they are willing to keep us all together on holidays.
Other plans include Josh finishing the wood stove installation and the countertops (no deadline on the counters), and we have a Thanksgiving dinner planned just the two of us on Saturday. I have never cooked a turkey, or anything really Tday related except mashed potatoes, so it will be interesting. Especially since we don't have a table to sit at or counters to cook on. But that is OK! We don't need those things, just some yummy food.
So, back to the most exciting thing of all, besides Thanksgiving- this would be the wood stove! YES we have it! Josh and his dad worked ALL DAY yesterday, putting in the chimney and whatever else one has to do to install a wood stove. He just has a couple more things to do, and it will be done. Here are a couple of pictures, just as a sneak peek. Hopefully later this week I can post a picture of a roaring fire.
Above is the hearth we chose; originally Josh was going to make it himself, and my request was brick. However because we need heat, we realized there wasn't time for that. I was really worried we would end up with a really manufactured looking hearth, but we found this beat up thing in the back of the show room where we bought the stove! The guys offered to clean it up for us; I guess that is mortar all over it? But I love it the way it is.
Here is Josh working tirelessly to install the stove. You can see where he cut a hole in the ceiling and now he is vacuuming. Fascinating, huh? I have some better pictures on the camera, but I'll wait to bust those out until the whole thing is done.
I can't believe I've gone this entire post without mentioning the fact that Twilight came out this week. Holla! My sister and I went to the midnight showing last Thursday night (Friday was GREAT!), and then I went yesterday with my best friend. So...yeah I've seen it twice already. Verdict? It was amazing! So much better than the other ones, I'm not sure why it was so hard for them to get these movies right. Besides the fact that the plot and characters are out of control ridiculous. We also went to my parents for dinner on Saturday, where we watched the Ducks play (WAAAAAAAH dontwanttotalkaboutit).
Hope to have some great pictures to share soon!