Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anywhere else but here

The name of this post applies to my life in every way you could imagine. I started to explain that thought, but then I realized I was just complaining and that really isn't my intention. Honestly! I just mean that this is a really busy, difficult time for me and that I can't wait until it is over. And me thinking about what it's going to be like when it's over is actually a positive thing, not a negative one since it is sometimes what gets me through. I had to laugh at myself because I'm sitting here working on an Excel spreadsheet of my schedule for next term (which doesn't start until April), which includes work, teaching and dance class. Since it's my last term at school I can pretty much take whatever classes I want, so that is a huge burden off my schedule. See, that is me looking to 'anywhere but here' in a positive way. I also think that I'm going to have a car, which means I can schedule things a little closer together and get home earlier. That was another example, in case you aren't catching on. Then of course I looked at my current schedule and, yep, now I'm complaining.

Anyway, I am very excited because the weekend is ALMOST upon us. Friday Abby and I are going to see Twilight (yes, I've already seen it three times in the theaters)! The fun thing about this showing is that it's playing at the theater down the street from my house, where they serve beer/wine along with pizza and sushi!

I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but it was Robert Burn's birthday yesterday, and this weekend some of us are performing at a dinner that benefits the Portland Metro Pipe Band. I can't say I'm particularly excited about this, so I just won't say anything at all.

All in all I'm just ready for a couple days of semi-relaxation, and I hope you all do the same!

1 comment:

  1. Here is my advice. It will sound familiar. Just let it wash over you. Don't struggle against it and it will be less painful. Very zen.
